Tuesday, September 13, 2011

School days...Sophia's first day of preschool

Ready for school!

Do you think she's excited?!

We met our buddies to take a few photos before heading into school. Tommy and the ladies...

During the photo shoot, Sophia tripped on the steps and skinned her knee. Nothing like having a little drama on the first day of school! Em came to Sophia's rescue with her first aid kit and TLC. Sophia was very proud of her band-aid!

Sophia and Sierra heading into the school building together. What sweet girls.

Once we got inside Sophia was more than ready to head to her class. I asked her to wait for me to take a photo but you can tell that she is ready to go! After this shot she was off, leaving Henry and me in the dust...

Look at her go! She's that little pink blur...

Picking my girl up. So sleepy but wanting to stay at school a little longer...

Sophia has been talking about going to school all summer and she was very excited about her first day on Tuesday. She looked so grown up in her pigtails and carrying a back pack! Sophia walked into her classroom all by herself (I could hardly keep up with her while pushing Henry in the stroller) and she started playing, happy as a clam. I thought about her so much after I dropped her off and I couldn't wait to hear about all the fun things she did at school. When I picked her up she shed a few tears because she wanted to stay! We are very proud of our big girl and so happy that she loves school so much! How did she get so big...

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