Monday, January 4, 2010

A very, Merry Christmas!

Heading to the WFS faculty Christmas party

Visiting Tpa a few days before Christmas

Tpa and Jody

Sophia opening presents from Tpa and Jody

Tpa helping Sophia take care of Huggums

Christmas Eve

Posing with Granddaddy and getting ready for the annual opening of the Christmas PJ's.

Christmas morning, Sophia didn't know which direction to go first!

She loves her fridge farm and wooden fruit from Santa.

Mom and Dad with the photo book we made for them.

Taking Holly for a walk...

"Can we have Christmas everyday?"

Petting Kringle, the dog puppet, from Grammy and Pop.

Pop and his girls

Visiting Granddaddy Christmas morning

Ready to enjoy Christmas breakfast at Granddaddy's.

"It's hard work opening all these presents!"

After a nap and some down time, we headed to Granny Herndon's to have dinner and open presents. Dad with 2 of his brothers before the 3rd annual "naughty Santa" gift exchange.

Snuggles with Aunt Cindy

At the end of the day, Dad and Uncle George were the proud owners of two lovely and stylish purses. I have a feeling we may see these bags again next year...

We were able to dig out of the of snow just in time to enjoy many Christmas festivities! We traveled to Lynchburg, with Raph's sister Anna, the day before Christmas Eve to visit with Raph's family. It was a relaxing day with Tpa and Jody and then we had dinner with lots of family that night. As tradition, we spent the night with Mom and Dad on Christmas Eve and we had a great time opening presents and being together. It was such a joy to see Sophia really experience Christmas this year. Her face was priceless Christmas morning seeing all that Santa had brought her and she was such a trooper the entire fun (but action packed) day.

1 comment:

  1. What fun!!! My favorite picture is definitely the one with the candy-cane antennae!!!
