Monday, March 19, 2012

8 months with Henry

Happy eight months, sweet boy!

This has been a very busy month for Henry! Everyday he seems to be able to do something new including signing "more", nodding his head "no", standing in his crib, and clapping. Henry is so close to crawling. He gets on all fours and I'm sure he will be taking off in no time. Our boy is really the sweetest, laid back baby. This past weekend I spent my first nights away from him and he did great with Daddy. Thank you, Grammy and Pop for helping too! I had a wonderful weekend in NYC with my best friends and it felt great to get reports from home that my boy was doing so well. Can't wait to see what our Henry will do this month...maybe finally get that first tooth?

1 comment:

  1. No he's NOT. Obviously, you JUST posted about the previous month, right? Right?
