What do you do when they are calling for a hurricane? Head to Grammy's house to make homemade applesauce! The girls in their apple attire getting ready to start the process...
First, pick apples off of Grammy and Pop's apple tree.
Second, wash apples.
Third, peel and cut apples.
Fourth, cook apples and listen as they start to bubble.
Then, you wait...
Henry was very patient hanging out in the cradle.
At one point we looked outside to find a deer munching on some apples too!
When the apples are cooked it's time to put them through the food mill.
Taste testing is very important...
Adding some sugar and spice...
Finally, Enjoy!
Thanks, Grammy for all the fun! What a great way to spend a rainy day. Sophia loved every second and is ready to make more!
Now that's homemade!!!