Handmade cards on the gifts for the parents. Inside was a beautiful ornament made with the children's hand prints.
I loved the decorations on the refreshment table. Look who's riding on the reindeer!
Our 10 year anniversary.
Sophia's fan club.
The performers take to the stage and put on their antlers and noses.

Jingle Bells
After the show, Grammy and Pop surprised Sophia with flowers.

Time for the Secret Santa gift exchange. Sophia giving Sierra her gift.
Tommy giving Sophia a princess notebook set - Sophia loves it!

Sweet kiddos post performance.
Ms. Jeanette and Sophia
Taking our little star home.
What better way for Raph and I to celebrate our ten year wedding anniversary then seeing Sophia in her first performance! The children were so cute singing their Christmas songs and acting out a poem. Sophia had lots of fans in attendance and we were so proud of our little performer.