Our happy peacock!

love Halloween!"

"I've got my pumpkin. Let's go!"

Getting treats from the ladies in the bookstore. We love visiting the bookstore any day of the year!

Sophia and Miss Chris

We saw so many people on our trick-or-treating adventure!

Raph and Hunt with their girls.

Posing with the Heffners.

Heading to the WFS football game in her Halloween outfit.

Halloween par-tay!

Checking it out...

Sophia and Sierra, the ladybug, attempting a little Halloween twister...

Posing with Mario, aka Aidan Stakem.

Picture time!

All the kiddos posing for the annual group photo.

Sophia chewing on her trophy for the most beautiful bird costume!

Heading home with one sweet, pooped peacock.

Our Jack-O-Lanterns shining for all the trick-or-treaters!